Martels Appointment Only Show Rounds - 17th April 2021

Event Finished!
Martels Appointment Only Show Rounds - 17th April 2021
Come and pay us a visit!
Following the lockdown we will be hosting a whole weekend of free appointment only show rounds at Martels Wedding Village!!
Hooray, for all of you that are itching to get on with your wedding planning, now you can.... You will hear all about our 21 professional wedding suppliers (some award winning ones too!), and be able to make future appointments with any that fill your requirements. We can't wait to show you round and get those plans either finished off or start the ball rolling!
Booking is easy, email or call Karen on 07748 820283 💜 [email protected]
Admission: Free entry
Times: 11:00am - 3:00pm
Location: Martels Industrial Estate, High Easter Road, Barnston, Essex CM6 1NA, High Easter Road, Dunmow, CM6 1NA
Organiser: Karen L