The Novotel Newcastle Wedding Fayre is a very popular event and on Sun 23rd August 2015 we will host our next event at this hidden gem of a contemporary Wedding Venue which now has a newly landscaped Secret Garden which will feature 2 Marquees from Mini Marquee Hire Newcastle with a Vintage Tea Party and Live Entertainment.
Near by we also have the Britannia Newcastle Airport 12 noon ’til 3pm with a Fashion Show & some great exhibitors.
FREE ENTRY & unlimited time parking at both events.
Exhibitor Enquiries Tel: 033 00 100 192 TEXT 07507 192 192
[email protected]
At our previous events we have had a Hog Roast from Longhorns ,Vintage Tea Party and Free Cocktails from Revolution Bar as well as fabulous entertainment and approximately 200 Brides attended for a great afternoon, exhibitors were thrilled with the turn out and we plan another great day with the gardens and lawns now beautifully landscaped..